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Amateur versus Grandmaster

It happens sometimes that a grandmaster loses against an amateur. See games below.

  • Morriss, P. (2032) – Vasiukov, Evgeni (2448)
  • GM Lalic, Bogdan (2479) – Guccione, Cristoforo (1983)
  • “I won in the 3rd round of Etna Open. I was lucky because my young opponent blundered on move 17 after which he is lost. The opening he played brilliantly ( this plan with the early …Nb8-c6 followed by …e7-e5 is invented by Ukrainian GM Vladimir Malaniuk and is explained well in the book by GM Kindermann about Dutch Defence ).

    Now how is it possible for an experienced GM with White to get a slightly worse position with White after only 14 moves against the well booked player of elo 2000!!?

    In my preparation I did not see that he plays Dutch Defence, I only expected Chigorin 1…d5 and …Nc6.

    Now you see what is a trouble when you play with the player against whom you do not see his games ( I only saw his 9 games and he played 180 games in the last 2,5 years ).

    Maybe it is the best now to play 1. b3 like GM Jobava to avoid all opening theory or just to play Fischerandomchess, because today’s chess is pure S H I T !!!” – GM Lalic

  • Kollar, Romain (1465) – GM Lalic, Bogdan (2479)
  • I won in the 3rd round of Nantes open tournament, I played with talented 12 years old kid, this time I did not do mistake by chosing to play Sicilian ( I saw only his 7 games and he plays Sicilian himself ), he is only 1465 elo but I only beat him in endgame.

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    “That chess is now completely different shows the following game where White, a grandmaster with 630 elo points higher elo, loses convincingly against a 1929 elo player!!!

    More and more such upsets are happening due to advanced chess theory and numerous chess literature. Nowadays low rated players ( patzers ) are not afraid of grandmasters anymore because they know their opening repertoire ( often better than ordinary grandmasters ), they know when the better player ( often grandmaster ) made a mistake so they are not afraid like before …

    Damned computers, I am first who would destroy them all and put back to the time when those fuxxing monsters were still weak ( before 2003 ) and patzers were still patzers, not like now when it is already impossible to play well competitive chess ( slowplays ). RIP (Rest in Peace) Chess.”

    GM Mikhalevski, Victor (ELO 2559) – Westreich, Itay (ELO 1929)

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