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Chess Teaching Videos Reviews

Read the following reviews about the downloadable Chess
Teaching Videos created by Grandmaster Smirnov.

Reviews – Video Course
‘How to Beat Titled Players’

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“The impact on the quality of my play and tournament results has been immediate.”

Kenneth Hills, USA

“Igor’s chess course ‘How to beat Titled Players’ is packed with valuable practical advice. Just like his two previous works ‘The Grandmaster’s Secrets’ and ‘The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory’, Igor Smirnov has a way of explaining complex ideas in an accessible way while introducing you to material that I have never seen elsewhere.

Let me emphasize the course is very much focused on practical
aspects of improving your chess. I cannot rate this material highly
enough and recommend it without reservation. The impact on the quality of my play and tournament results has been immediate.

This latest course helps you understand how to go about beating stronger players and not just in an abstract way but, assuming you are willing to work hard at the course work he gives you, in a manner that improves your playing strength.”

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Kenneth Hills, USA


“It contains a lot of unique ideas, which are not presented in chess books.”

Sahapol Nakvanich, Thailand

Dear Sir,

After listen to your course on “How to Beat Titled Players” I recommend to anyone who wants to improve and wants to beat titled player.

It contains a lot of unique ideas, which are not presented in chess books. The course helped me to look at the chess game from another angle. Now I know what is the best style of playing and how exactly I can win even against much stronger opponents.

I have purchased all your courses and I found them really useful!

chess instructions

Secretary Thailand Chess Association,
Sahapol Nakvanich (right)


“I have learned so much already from the first few modules…”

Leonard C., UAE

My teacher told me, that I am already the best player at my school!

I am 10 years old and live in Dubai (UAE), I am in the 5th grade.

I started to play chess a few years ago, my parent taught me the rules and some basic strategies.

Even though I knew the game, I did not have the right strategical understanding to beat stronger opponents…but after watching Igor Smirnovs GM Secrets (together with my Dad) I suddenly was able to beat all players of my school (even the teachers, which played for years) and I managed to win against my Dad (former club player !) several times!

Yesterday I received the new course “How to beat stronger Players” from Igor Smirnov and I already watched and studied a good bit of it.

Again, this course is *SUPER*! I have learned so much already from the first few modules and I am confident, that I will beat MUCH stronger opponents very soon (I plan to become a club player in the summer time…)!

chess kids

Leonard C., UAE

the best Chess Courses created by Grandmaster Smirnov (UKR)

Reviews about the Video Course ‘The Grandmaster’s Secrets’

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“… and truly believe that it can take you to the FM level and beyond …”

Konstantin Fedoseev, USA,
owner of the chess course
“The Grandmaster’s Secrets”.

Igor Smirnov’s course: “The Grandmaster’s Secrets” offers a crystal clear approach to self-improvement on a practical level.

He explains, in easy to understand language, the necessary way of thinking that one must use throughout the Opening, Middlegame, and Endgame to achieve high level results. Igor also explains many typical mistakes that beginners make when trying to study by themselves without
a trainer.

I highly recommend this course to anyone above 1200 ELO and truly believe that it can take you to the FM level and beyond.

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Konstantin Fedoseev, USA

Testimonials – Chess Course ‘The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory’

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“…these two courses simply invaluable as a help to save a lot of time and efforts.”

Grygoriev Alexey (UKR),
owner of the chess course
“The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”.

“I am amazed how much methodologically competently (step by step) this course (by the way, and the first course “The GM’s secrets” too) is made.

The focusing goes on the most important ideas (without any “water” or unnecessary variants); it helps to build correct system of thinking in a head. The Course shows the basic strategic ideas of an opening on which it is necessary to concentrate your attention first of all. Thus it becomes clear why some openings (for example, Pirc or King’s Indian defense) which seems good at first sight, actually are doubtful enough – because they transfer these unresolved problems to the middlegame.

In a course there are many practical recommendations which I have found useful to myself: how to work effectively with a database, how to use the computer for an openings’ studying etc. The practical part of a course – which helps to create a powerful opening repertoire both for white and for the black – deserves separate panegyrics.

By the way, for those who want to study chess seriously – these two courses simply invaluable as a help to save a lot of time and efforts.”

chess kids

Grygoriev Alexey (UKR)


“…you will get a sound and honest repertoire that can be played up to master level and beyond.”

Andreas Muegge (Germany)
, owner of the chess course
“The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”.

“It’s very tempting to study openings – who doesn’t want to get a good or winning position after a couple of moves? Unfortunately it doesn’t work this way and it’s not so obvious why. GM Igor Smirnov understands the dilemma and guides the chess student into the right direction.

He shows how to learn the openings efficiently – any opening – and even better, he has prepared a complete opening repertoire, saving you a lot of time.

It contains no shortcuts or exotic variations, you will get a sound and honest repertoire that can be played up to master level and beyond.

I have used it in the last weeks and can say that it leads to exciting chess games. Does it make me a better player? Not without further work, but the focus is always on the basic principles of chess and I know clearly what to do in the middlegame where the real battle starts.”

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Andreas Muegge (GER)


“The only thing I regret is I lost so much time looking for such a course!”

Gyulia Mamedova (Azerbaijan),
owner of the chess course
“The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”.

“I’ve started Igor Smirnov’s “Grandmaster’s opening laboratory” recently. I was sure I would have any results after I have finished it. But my chess skills are improving so fast that I decided to share my results for today with other chess funs.

Yes, I’m just a chess fun! The course is so easy to absorb that even beginners can use it without any difficulty. I.Smirnov leads you during the course, answers all the questions arising, explains everything in a very simple way.

I’m advancing step by step and believe in becoming more and more confident in chess by the end of the course.

My father was a professional chess player. He left me a lot of books on chess theory -from easy ones to very hard. I tried to learn them by myself but gave up many times. Why? Because I got lost in the information.

Now, after I. Smirnov’s recommendations the openings in the theory books are very clear to me to choose. I appreciate I.Smirnov for sharing the opening secrets with anybody who is really interested in chess. Learning chess with such a professional coach helps to improve the ability of thinking in advance, analyze the situation, build a good strategy and tactics to achieve it.

The only thing I regret is I lost so much time looking for such a course! So, I advise you not to waste time and start it.

I would like to finish with saying “There is no limit in what you can do, once you put your mind to it”. And chess is no exception.”

chess courses

Gyulia Mamedova (Azerbaijan)


“I got that “a-ha!” feeling when I realized how wrongly I went about studying openings …”

Pedro Milet (Brazil)
, owner of the chess course
“The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”.

“When I started playing chess competitively about a year ago, my first chess coach decided to teach me what he thought was a solid, coherent opening repertoire: the idea was to bring about Slav and Caro-Kann – type positions, where I would have a very solid position – and absolutely no idea what to do next!!
The middlegame positions were always GM positions where I couldn’t find any plans; I felt lost and the game felt dry. Worse: I wasn’t learning much from the games.

One year later, I stumbled upon Igor’s course: I was baffled by the simple yet effective advice Igor managed to pack in those lessons! I got that “a-ha!” feeling when I realized how wrongly I went about studying openings. For instance, before the master level, you shouldn’t learn openings that will beat other amateurs, you should learn openings that will bring positions that will strenghten your chess understanding!! Duh!!

Then Igor sets out to teach you how to learn openings effectively and which openings are appropriate before and after master level. I must say I feel confident that I can now create a powerful opening repertoire that will finally bring the fun middlegame positions! And the ones that will actually teach me chess!”

chess teaching videos

Pedro Milet (Brazil)

chess tutorGet Course “Your Winning Plan” here!
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“…you get clear practical recommendations to help channel your thoughts …”

Werner Poets, Belgium,
Owner of the chess course
“Your Winning Plan”.

The chess course ‘YOUR WINNING PLAN’ GM Smirnov has delivered again a product of high quality. The videos give you a clear visual explanation is supported by key phrases and diagrams and of course discussed the key concepts illustrated by reference to relevant games fragments. Also there is an full transcript of the lessons so you can easily make a summery adapted to your needs.

Planning is the most important thing in chess. It is also the hardest part of the royal game. The middle game is the most complex stage of a chess game. The number of possibilities is enormous. A
consistent continuation is only possible with good planning. Planning is the cement that makes the bricks (your moves) solid as a whole.

In the chess course ‘YOUR WINNING PLAN’ is not a concatenation of vague generalities or in-depth analysis of positions with endless variations as in many books. In these courses you get clear practical recommendations to help channel your thoughts in each position. It is an systematical approach that guides your thinking process. There is not only attention for pure technical aspects but also for psychological skills. For practice this planning skills there a lot of relevant and varied tasks.

Before I had studied the course ‘YOUR WINNING PLAN’ I was not
sure in complicated positions when and where I would advance my pawns.
Now I know exactly what to do. The 18th century chess master Philidor once say “The pawns are the soul of chess”. Thanks the concrete recommendations of the course ‘YOUR WINNING PLAN’ I can give my pawns a soul in my games.

The courses of GM Smirnov are of a high level. Yet your skill level must not very high at this time to understand all because every thing is very clearly explained. So you need not fear that some things you can not follow because things are not explained because they are ‘trivial’. So do not be intimidated by the fact that Igor Smirnov is a grandmaster. Besides a good chess player Igor Smirnov is also a very good teacher.

With the third chess course ‘YOUR WINNING PLAN’ the Remote Chess Academy of GM Smirnov is getting shape.

chess tutor

Werner Poets, Belgium


I am TARRAF Tarraf from Lebanon, 36 years old.

chess course

I started to play chess at 23. After reading many books and watching many chess videos, I didn’t achieve too much progress.

After watching the chess course “The Grandmaster’s Secrets” by GM Igor Smirnov I start to know better what is chess and how to think and how to play.This course contains the most important rules and ideas for every chess player. My performance get better so quickly.

GM Smirnov will guide you in this course and teach you how to begin and how to progress, with his own system from the beginning to the end.

After all it’s a very recommendable chess course and I consider it very essential and a base for every chess player.

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