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Chess Master Bogdan Lalic – Chess Adventures

“Borislav Ivanov was unlucky that his opponent in the 7th round was GM Dlugy, who came with CIA equipment. Something was sounding around the leg of B.I., then Dlugy required that both of them show what they have in the legs, normally B.I. refused, which led to forfeiting him, obviously there was some equippment hidden in the leg ( shoe ).”

Just finished off an infamous chess player…without making a move!

GM Maxim Dlugy:”Just finished off an infamous chess player FM Borislav Ivanov without making a move! He absolutely refused to take off his shoes during a search, which according to tournament regulations at Blagoevgrad Open was allowed before any round. It was explained to him that refusal would mean a forfeit and a disqualification from the tournament, but he said he wouldn’t do it because his socks smell. Hopefully he will have clean socks for his next tournament, if someone else will accept him. In that case I would recommend searching his jacket, which he put aside just before the search.”

“The arbiter Iliev started to investigate the shoes of Ivanov which Ivanov rejected and started to shout on him.

“Arbiter’s statement on the question of, if Ivanov lost, was “He was caught, you’ll read it in the press”. They were being checked in a separate room, Dylgi removed his shoes, Ivanov refused to do so and went away. Then he (the arbiter) put the black king in the centre with Dlugys king and forfeited Ivanov.”

Today the fame of Borislav Ivanov came to an end. What about his victims whom he beat how will they be avengened?

“It seems that Borislav Ivanov was forfeited because he shouted at the arbiter not to touch him. Well, he refused to show his shoes, for that he was forfeited, but he is still playing in the 8th round.”

“I cannot understand one thing – beside all those computer equippment how it is possible that B.I. did not improve his elo from 2324???

Elo can change depending on Life Circumstances

“How rating changes according to life circumstances is visible to many chess players. Loss of a dear person, very bad life conditions, etc. can lead to constant depression.
If a chess player has bad life conditions ( also not solved professional status and accordingly money problems ) then a player will be in the long depression and will play for long time of period badly, the situation will not change for a long period.

I just looked at the elo of Bulgarian grandmaster Vladimir Petkov, now he is 2564, not so long ago in 2008 he had a horrendous elo of 2415 ( in the same year before he beat strong GM Dreev Alexey with Black in Croatian team championship ).

Nowadays elo depends on mostly where one plays and also according to life circumstances, basically the elo of player can vary even up to 150 elo points!!!

…about Accomodation

“I just got increadible offer from the organiser from Crespi tournament near Milano. I never played there in the past, but we were contacting via e-mail. I got worse conditions than some international master. He was playing at Cesenatico tournament so he knew that I won there.

What to do. I refured his hummiliating ” conditions ” of course. Why everybody is threating me like a piece of shit???

The offer of that organizer was truly disgusting – to stay in double room 4 star hotel full pension and for that to pay 30 euros per day. To pay for that!!! I think this is absolutely crazy and even cheeky, of course I replied very unpolitely to that.

…it is not just my imagination, on every step they treat me like a shit, also many times grandmasters with worse elo than me are invited, because they are darlings of those organizers.

Bogdan Lalic versus Silva Miguel

I won in the 5th round of Pombal Open. My young and talented opponent the Portuguese master Silva Miguel played just too fast ( he played nervously this last round ). Recently he played well in the European Juniors under 18 and also he scored an IM norm in San Marti tournament near Barcelona.

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“Please explain to me why this is happening to me – today I took a number at the train station in order to buy ticket and imagine which number I have withdrawn – it was 666.

I was so pissed off with that so I threw that number and went to queue again.
Why this is happening to me?

It seems that bad luck and devil had been ( and still is ) following me all the life.


“I won in the 2nd round of Sestao Open. Long live Accelerated Ben-Oni and Wojtaszek System for Black!”

In the Accelerated Ben Oni Black first plays Nbd7 and Nh5 before he castles.

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“The bad luck is following me even now at Sestao – I do not know what did I do bad to God to treat me like that?

My opponent from 2nd round which I won, had withdrawn from the tournament. This is why my bucholz is bad. Even more, there is unpair number of players so I have to go up ( normally number one GM Romero should go up ) so I have to play GM Del Rio with Black!

Bad luck never comes alone but several things come together. What did I have to play that young fucking player from Aragon, who knew the variation excellent? Never mind, I have to fight but with so bad luck now, I understand why I cannot get even to that childish elo of 2500.

It takes a time to sort out all the games from GM Del Rio ( this is an usual case of Spanish and South-American players ), basically he has five names ( Del Rio Angelis, Salvador Gabriel ). Not an easy task.

Despite bad bucholz and everything I am doing well against Del Rio ( 3 wins and 3 draws all rapidplays ), but he is White and quite strong with White. I think it is the best for me to offer a draw before the game, maybe he will accept. Maybe he will remember some losses against me. Yes, this is the best, because if not, he can beat me, he knows better opening theory than me.”

With Black…versus Del Rio (Nimzo-Indian)

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“GM Del Rio told me after the game that he played a novelty (9.Qb3) ( after I looked up at the database IM Pieterse played that move in two games with GMs Van der Wiel and Brenninkmeijer ), he said that he analysed it with Rybka, my Re8 was inaccurate better is bishop to c7 at first.

I was afraid that he would go queen h3 and sacrificed on h6 bishop, computer finds there perpetual check, but I have to be very careful, after his queen to f3 I have no problems any more.

Why in Spain all those players come up with novelties ( my 3rd round opponent elo 2288 and now GM Del Rio )?

I mean this is just a small tournament where the first prize is only 600 euros, what is the point in searching for novelties and waste time on using Rybka, if the prizes are so low???”

The last Warning

“B.I Borislav Ivanov will participate at Navalmoral chess tournament ( 08-10.11.2013 ), the wise chess professionals should avoid that tournament at any cost. Read more about B. Ivanov


“It seems that I am not the only grandmaster who is struggling with elo, GM Khamrakulov Ibragim who was 2604 highest elo in 2008 now is only 2442, his worst ever since april 2001 when he was as an IM 2451, terrible.”

“From 2 tournaments I just played for the new December 2013 list, I won 3 elo points ( 2,9 ) so now I will be 2489, in Pombal 4,5 out of 5 plus 0,2, and now in Sestao 4,5 out of 6 plus 2,7. I will never get back to that childish elo of 2500 if I continue like that. Terrible.”

“I would like to express my support for GM Galego Luis, who was banned by Portugal Chess Federation due to some antidoping test ( it is obvious that he did not use any doping for chess reasons ).”

“Nowadays one does not pass doping test even if he or she had used some alcohol. I mean GM Galego was playing in olympiads 1st board for Portugal on several occassions. The federation clerks and employees are not showing any respect for their best chess players. Why they do not put on agenda other things? Why in Portugal now there is not a single important chess tournament ( closed, open, even rapidplay like Odemira )? Food for thought.”

The Benko Gambit … a Victory again

“Now my score with 12.a4 Benko Gambit with White is 4 games, four wins with White. It is always useful to listen to advice of gurus like GM Raymond Kaufman and IM Erik Kislik, they are both great opening experts!”

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