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Chess Moves

Solve these chess puzzles to find chess moves to win. Increase your awareness in chess to be able to discover unusual winning moves which give you an advantage.

Black moves
White moves
chess moves
chess moves
1…Ba6 2.Qc2 NxN 3.gxN Qg5+ 4.Kh1 Qh5 5.Kg2 RxR 6.QxR Qg5+ 7.Kh1 Be2! If 1..Ba6 2.Bb5 Nxf3+ 3.gxN Qg5+ 4.Kf1 Qf5 5.Rb2 Qxh3+ 6.Ke1 Be5 winning. 1.Be6 with attack

White moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1.Be8+ b5 2.Bxb+ Ka5 3.RxR Be6+ 4.Kd4! BxR 5.Kc5 followed by b4 mate 1…Bf3! with attack

Black moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1…Bxg 2.fxB Nxg 1…d5 winning material

Black moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1…Nb2 threatens a fork 1…Nd3

White moves
Black moves
chess moves
chess moves
1.Ne5 1…RxB 2.Rxd8+ Re8+ 3.Rd2 Bxg2

Black moves
White moves
chess moves
chess moves
1…Ra1 1.Rg6

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