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Chess Puzzles

Here are some difficult chess puzzles from real tournament play.

White moves
White moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1.Nf6+ BxN 2.QxR 1.Nf6+ QxN 2.Re1+ Be7 3.Qd8 mate

White moves
Black moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1.Nf7 KxN 2.Ng5+ Kg6 3.Qxe6 Kh5 4.Qxf5 winning 1…Nf8 Planning to play the knight to h4 attacking the weak white f3-pawn

White moves
White moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1.Nh5+ RxN 2.RxN+ KxR 3.Re6 mate 1.Nxh7 KxN 2.Rg3
or 1…QxR 2.Qg6 Rf7 3.Ng5
(QxR 4.Qh7+ Kf8 5.Qh8 mate

Black moves
Black moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1…Nxd 1…Nxf 2.exN? Rg3+ followed by QxQ

White moves
White moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1.NxN BxQ 2.Bxf+ Ke7 3.Bxc+ Qd6 4.BxQ+ cxB 5.TxB Nf6 6.Nc4 KxB 7.Nxd+ advantage for White 1.Qa4+ RxQ (or 1…Kf8 2.QxR) 2.c8Q

White moves
Black moves
chess puzzles
chess puzzles
1.Qa7 1…Qb2

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