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Hard Chess Moves

In the game below GM Lalic (White) is beating the Greenfield Defense and plays against a player who knows this opening inside out. Nonetheless this doesn’t help much. GM Lalic plays a less popular opening line (5.Bd2) and from then on the players had to think for themselves and couldn’t rely on theory alone. It was necessary to find unusual quality moves like 15.g4.

You must be able to find quality chess moves or you will ruin your game quickly as soon the theoretical line is finished. After that you have to think for yourself and can’t rely on your theoretical opening knowledge.

In the game below Black ruins his game quickly with the ordinary looking move 17…Qb4?. It is indeed hard to believe that this move should be bad.

In the endgame White is penetrating with his rook into the second rank wins a pawn and this is enough to get a winning game.

Comments by GM Lalic

“His position is bad anyway, I am going to play Rfe1 and pressurize along e-file. His only mistake is the choice of variation. Very risky is …f7-f5, he should play …e7-e5. I followed the game Predojevic-Rade, just compared in the big base played in Bosnian Team Championship couple of years ago. IM Knott was unaware of that game. Because of those little details nowadays you either win or lose, typical modern day computer chess, but I was this time on the right side.”

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It is not easy to endure the fast tempo with IM Dimitar Marholev with whom I share a flat, each day starting from yesterday we finish 2 bottles of red wine ( one each – 13% of alcohol ) – I have to be careful that does not affect my tournament, Dimitar might be accustomed on that drinking style.”

“Today was an improvement on yesterday because today I drank only half a bottle of wine. Yesterday we both drunk one whole bottle each. What will happen tommorow when it is a double round? Cappelle La Grande tournament will be a nightmare tournament, there are some players like GM Naumkin who used to drink just on lunch one bottle of wine ( before the game ), some had more than 2 bottles and one day is a double round….

Yes, Grandmaster Bogdan Lalic always improves, even in his drinking style..(laughing…sorry about that)


Bogdan Lalic – Boulet Pierre

“I won in the 5th round of Rochefort open tournament. My opponent had good position ( up to move 23 he was at least equal ) but then he misscalculated with 23…Bf6?

He told me that he prepared with the book of opening repertoire from GM Larry Kaufman with White and Black. I only had his 20 games ( 10 white and 10 black ) and could not prepare well against what he plays.

This is why I played the Reti opening which I usually do not play. He has good tournament in Rochefort, a typical French strong amateur, 55 years old, who has a good opening repertoire ( not worse than I have ).”

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