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Chess Games – GM Bogdan Lalic

Replay chess games from professional chess grandmaster Bogdan Lalic.

“I won in the 6th round of Dieppe Open tournament. This aggressive line 3 e4 against QGA (Queens Gambit Accepted) again gave me luck. I won some crucial games with it in my career like in 1997 in Isle of Man against GM James Howell, against the late GM Tony Miles in Hastings Premier in 1995, against GM Erik Van den Doel in Zwolle Open in 2002 etc.”

“We followed the Kramnik’s novelty 9 a3! against Karjakin, which Kramnik nicely won. After she played Queen to b4, my move with the Queen to c3 is a mistake. I should have played Queen to h4 instead, and if she plays Bishop to g8 covering mate on h7 ( Rook to f7 was impossible because of the sacrifice on h7 with the check on f6 winning, this line I did not see for me ) then I play Rook to a3 and after taking on b2 with the Queen I play Rook to g3 and after Queen to c2 defending g6 I play f2-f4 with f4-f5 to follow after which Black is helpless.”

“In the endgame she should have pushed her a-pawn to a4 with a lot of counterplay ( computer gives very small advantage for me because the Rook on a3 is tied with a-passed pawn ), in time scramble I managed to create a mating net against her King.”

Lalic, Bogdan (2474) – Sgircea, Silvia-Raluca (2277)

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“Tommorow I am repeating white against the young Dutch promising player Jorden Van Foreest elo 2467 he is only 15 years old.”

“With all those youngsters around in the tournament I feel like a DYNOSAUR!!!”
by GM B. Lalic

Yes, but you are a Tyrannosaurus Rex. – by Admin


“I drew in the 7th round of Dieppe Open tournament. My young opponent ( 15 years old Dutchman elo 2467 ) played the new gambit line invented by Italian GM Brunello Sebino ).

His 14…Bxe5 is a new move ( he said that he prepared that move with computer before the game ) instead of 14…Qxe5 15 f4 from the game Stefanova,A-Giriya,O played earlier this year, which won white.

At the end I was a pawn up but due to opposite coloured Bishops it should be a draw. This new gambit line suddenly is becoming an excellent opening line for Black how to neutralize 3 Nc3 in Slav.

I do not know what is happening, I am losing Elo when I play open Slav with White, I also lose Elo when I play 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 Nc3 dxc4 5 a4 Bf5 and now I am also losing Elo after 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 e3, so I am thinking of stopping to play 1 d4 because of Slav defence ( but then I have to start to play 1 e4 ). Chess is now really shit ( all due to shitty computers ). Terrible.”

Lalic, Bogdan (2474) – Van Foreest, Jorden (2467) Draw

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“Bulgarian IM Kukov Velislav lost 2 winning positions in Dieppe and at the end lost new 18 elo points. He said that it is due to playing too much, since 1st of June, which is exactly 90 days he played 80 elo rated games, which is exactly 9 tournaments, but in the meantime he managed to lose 50 Elo points ( from 2410 dropping in fact to 2360, not 2376, which will be counted in the new list ).”

“Terrible, the players who honestly play a lot and fight are at the end punished with bad Elo and players who play little and protect their Elo by keeping it up are rewarded at the end.”

“Chess is psychological game, when you lose all your elo then you stop to play because mentally you cannot support the failure, it happens to all grandmasters regardless of age.

After yesterday I have drawn with one more lowly rated player I am mentally finished, it is impossible to go back so I predict I will stop to play chess altogether.

The same happened with GM Fedorowicz John who stopped to play couple of years ago after he plummeted to 2433 with elo, the same with the ex-US Champion Walter Browne who is on 2431 and does not play any more, the same with Czech GM Pavel Blatny who is on 2414 and does not play, also talented Croatian Grandmaster and former best chess player of town Rijeka Ognjen Jovanic. After he finished badly in Opatija tournament and dropped to 2461 he did not play a single game.

The newest example is Ukrainian grandmaster Ruslan Pogorelov, who is now on 2321 and did not play after Torredembara in July a single game, the same is with GM Romanian GM Mihai Suba ( 2341 elo which is ridiculous for him ), and for Dutch GM John Van Der Wiel ( who is now 2406 and after that did not play a single game ) and Croatian GM Mladen Muse ( 2399 elo ) who even withdrew from Split Open this year after just one round.

It is all in your mind, it is impossible to continue to play after so many defeats, but it is all in your mind, maybe one out of 20 grandmasters can do that ( if they have steal nerves ) but the rest of 19 will quit which is normal.”

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