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Chess Variations in the Opening

In chess tournaments it is necessary to play different opening chess variations from time to time or your opponents will look up your games in the database and prepare special moves and lines against you with the help of their computer at home before the game starts.

GM Lalic Bogdan (2470) – Przezdiecka Ewa (2170)

“Long live 3 f3 Gruenfeld with which White takes Gruenfeld players out of their comfort zone!”

“I did not play that line for 6 years for White, today I tried it as surprise weapon.”

Black could play 3…e5!? The Adorjan Gambit. In this case GM Lalic recommends 4 dxe5 Nh5 5 Nh3.
There is lots of theorie available on this.

Black has no chance and quickly gets a losing position. His queenside knight does not go to its natural square c6 (a no future knight) and this disturbs the coordination of the black pieces.

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Today I am black against the young spanish star FM Santos Ruiz Miguel ELO 2356 from Sevilla. His coach is GM Carlos Matamoros so I must study also his games. I can see that he already won against various grandmasters ( Oleg Korneev in the Spanish rapid championship and Perez Mitjans Orelvis in the Spanish open championship ).

He is at the moment champion of Sevilla with 8,5 out of 9. So this game will be very difficult for me and I have to prepare well for this new challenge in my life.

I played the young promising kid in Alcala rapidplay near Seville 16 months ago. It is useful to write down the moves from rapidplay games.

Santos Ruiz, Miguel (2078) – Lalic, Bogdan (2484) RAPIDPLAY

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He is a very aggressive young player so I have to give him full respect.


“I won a miniature in the 7th round of Llucmajor open tournament. I surprised my young opponent with the new line which I have never played ( 5…Bg4 instead of 5…e5 ). This is the pet line of Dutch GM Sergei Tiviakov.

He blundered a piece straight away on move 10! It is the art of preparation which opening to choose in which your opponent might play 200 elo points weaker than his or her elo.

It is hard to explain how he beat GM Oleg Korneev in just 23 moves in the rapid Championship of Spain ( it seems that he is very good in attacking positions but not so good in unknown openings ).”

Santos Ruiz, Miguel (2356) – Lalic, Bogdan (2470)

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“Bg4 is now the most trendy line for Black. After 6 e5, now they play more 6…e6 instead of older 6…dxe5. With 6…e6 a closed position arises, where Black has to manoevure later the knight to b6, Veselin Topalov played some good games with Black here, probably position is about level with chances for both sides.”

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